Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What does the Mirror say?

God...I no longer believe in your existence or in the idea that you fulfill a mortals' desire if he asks you for something with a true heart. Education has cured me of religion and I now know that you are but a story made by man, for some men to gain superiority over others. A story without loopholes. A story that has been a 'Work In Progress' all its life and will continue to be just that, as long as there are people like me who cast a doubt on it.

Nevertheless, for the sake of true drama, I ask of you to forgive your child for his sarcasm and to grant him one single wish - 'Don't Let me See Another Mirror in My Life!' For it this one object that I now fear the most. The one object that tears away the layers of pretence that I have surrounded myself with. The one object that shatters my belief in earthly emotions and brings me face to face with the world of pure logic. The one object that I can't seem to beat at an argument, because every tactic I can think of is already known and every excuse is already discarded.

I am losing a desperate battle. First it was only that shiny surface on my wall that would plague me. Now it feels like the mirror has found a way to teleport itself into other corners of my world, where I could once find peace. It started with the ceiling, then the walls and now even the closed lids of my eyes. I need divine intervention! I need supernatural powers! I need a human touch.

Dear God, please don't let me see another mirror in my life!

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